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Build Instruction Updates
- 04/08/21 35_10.pdf
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Page 35-2
- Step 1 - this step needs to be also done for the Quick Build, it says "Standard Kit" only. The holes are only drilled 1/8th and need to be match drilled to #30 (may not be needed with modern, final-drilled kits).
- Step 1 - the holes on the front that need to be match drilled into the main spar aren't done with the Quick Build. There is one hole on each side facing the rear spar which is very close to a seat rib. When you match drill this hole, the drill will be scraping the web of the rib underneath the seat. Later, when you rivet this hole, you cannot get a bucking bar behind the entire rivet, so it will have a step (it seems this may have been changed; note in instructions Figure 1 shows 7 rivets on the forward edge but Figure 2 shows 8 -- 2024 kits seem to match the 7 rivets in Figure 1)
- Step 1 - getting the F-1016C-L and F-1016C-R trays in and out can be tough. You may need to do some extra deburring on the front seat support slots on the forward (bent) edge. You can use plastic wedges to help get the aft end of the trays over the rivets on F-1005A. To remove the trays, you can install clecos in the nutplate holes on the aft end to pull up, again using plastic wedges to get past the rivets.
- Step 5 - Figure 2 shows AD470AD4-4 rivets along the outboard and inboard foot well ribs. There are though two rivets an each side of the floor boards that go through the seat belt attach lugs and they need to be longer. The entire row of rivets along the outboard foot well rib is really hard to buck, see this FB thread or this FB thread for hints. See also this FB thread
Page 35-5
- Step 7 - Previous builders have noted you can skip this step if you are using the Andair valve. See also section Aerosport_Hints.