SDS hints

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Builder Logs


Additional Parts Needed

Assumption: Using pre-fabricated fuel and brake lines from, parking brake from and upgraded Matco main wheels / brakes

From SDS

  • Billet FAB mount kit ($180) which holds the airbox underneath the engine (for stock intake opening at bottom of oil pan)

From Airward

  • AirWard Parking Brake Kit - with MATCO PVPV-D Valve and Cable
  • AirWard Van's RV-10 - Tunnel Access Panel Kit

From Aircraftspecialty

  • 10-B11PB - RV10 PARKING BRAKE COMPLETE KIT (does not include the parking brake)
  • Custom fuel hoses for Firewall Forward

From Vans

  • 6 x AN SPACER, 6D
  • 7 x K1000-08 (nutplates)
  • 1 x VA-141 (return fitting for tank)

From Aircraftspruce

  • 2 x AN833-6D - AN FITTINGS AN833-6D ELBOW
  • 2 x AN837-6 - AN FITTING - STEEL AN837-6
  • 2 x AN924-6j - STAINLESS STEEL FITTING AN924-6J (nut)
  • 4 x AN924-6D - AN FITTINGS AN924-6D NUT
  • 2 x AN837-6D - AN FITTINGS AN837-6D ELBOW
  • 2 x AN4H-3 Bolts for fuel regulator (consider making a Z mount from two 063x3/4x3/4 angles, so the bolts are accessible from the engine compartment)
  • 1 x Safety wire 20/1000 for fuel regulator replacement screws

From TCW

  • 1 x RV-10 Products - Fuel Bushings w/Elbows (comes in pairs)
    Hint: Use the machined washer on the inside and the plain washer on the outside. The outside washer needs to be trimmed on the lower side to not interfere with F-1099G (4 hole wing root fairing support).

From McMaster

  • 1 x 5-pack 90152A142 drilled socket head 6-32 1/4" for fuel regulator screw replacement so they can be safety wired

From AEM (Optional)

General Hints

Non binding, use the SDS installation instructions for reference!

  • It is essential for the entire system that the fuel pressure is correctly set. You will do that by adjusting the fuel pressure regulator according to what the avionics show. Make sure, you select the correct fuel pressure sensor make and model in the avionics setup menu. Best to temporary hook up a fuel pressure gauge to have a second mean to confirm, it is set correctly.
  • The proper and careful installation of the silver fuel injector adapter into the cylinder head is important. Follow the most recent SDS instructions. Use only the referenced high temperature blue Loctite 246. Hand tight, then 1 1/2 turns. There are older instructions out there that reference 60 inch pounds torque which is no longer a desired tightening method and may not be enough to hold the adapters in.
  • It is important to properly ground the ECUs as the injector return current will flow through it. At high rpm, a voltage drop across the ground wiring can cause improper injector operation which may lead to individual hot cylinders.
  • SDS sends two different kind of spark plug 90 degree boots. One kind is for the coils, the other for the spark plug side. Check the SDS pictures.
  • The SDS ECUs will not go full rich on takeoff. You need to use the manual mixture adjust to cool the engine for takeoff.
  • If you need to replace a wire in the bundle, these are the connector family specs:

    In particular, the female crimp pins are Digikey order no WM2501CT-ND. The proper crimp tool for this family of contacts is Molex 640160200.

Understanding the Relay Circuits

The 6-cylinder injector relay box includes the following three functions:

  • Assigning 3 additional injectors to a single ECU
    • In normal mode, the left connector gets the injector input signal from each of the ECUs, 3 per ECU. The right connector has the outputs to the 6 individual injectors (ground side).
    • In the two failure modes, the injectors 1 and 4, 2 and 5 and 3 and 6 are driven in parallel and fed by a single ECU
  • Moving the power of 3 additional injectors to a single 12V bus
    • In normal mode, Pin 12 (Prim Bus) drives Pin 9 (Injector 1 - 3 positive side via individual breakers), and Pin 11 (Backup Bus) drives Pin 10 (Injector 4 - 6 positive side via individual breakers).
    • In the two failure modes, one of the buses drives all injectors
  • Passing through the primary / backup signals to the mixture relay
    • The primary select signal (active low) is passed through as mixture blue signal.
    • The backup select signal (active low) is passed through as mixture brown signal.

Note: Activating both primary and secondary select signal will mirror the sides, e.g. the backup bus and ECU drives injectors 1-3 and vice versa

The mixture adjust relay box includes the following functions:

  • Feeding the mixture adjust potentiometer input to both ECUs in normal mode and only to one accordingly in primary and backup mode.

Note: The mixture adjust relay box needs both 5V and 12V to operate. It gets the 5V from the ECUs (red primary cable or orange secondary cable) and the 12V from the yellow cable (needs to be supplied externally, switched and fused).