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  • Keep it simple: there is nothing really wrong with using plain bowden cables. Aerosport center consoles have room for 2 knobs on each side.
  • Some report that non-locking bowden cables may rattle the heater valve into the closed position again and again. Consider locking cables.
  • Linear actuators mounted in the engine compartment have mixed reviews. Some say no problems in many years. Some say, they are on their 3rd set, wish they had simple cables.
  • A possible solution is to run bowden cables through the firewall and mount servos under the panel. Possibly in a spot where one can override the servos manually after cutting power to the servo controller.
  • Servos and their controllers use pulse width modulation which emits RF noise in all bands. Airplanes are mostly affected in the COM/NAV band as it is amplitude modulated. Don't use servos unless everything is shielded and verified to not cause interference.


Various sleeved cables are part of the RV-10 build:

  • Front heater valve
  • Rear heater valve
  • Alternate air


  • Oil cooler airflow damper
  • Parking brake

Actuator solutions (require integrated potentiometer and closed loop control board):

Linear Servos (require standard 3-wire servo control board):

Servos (6V, require BEC):

Note: Hitec HS servo signal range for full 197 degree motion is 553-2520 us.


Servo Control Boards:

Temperature sensors: