Shop and Tools

Tool Kits

Protection for Spray Painting

Paint Gun

  • HF $17 This one works, however cumbersome to clean. Note: needs cleaning before first use.
  • Lowes $90 This one does the job perfectly and is easy to clean. It has a pressure gauge (set it to 25 psi). It is very easy to control and works well for very small parts as well as for large surfaces. It blows air-only when pressing lightly, so you can dust off parts before adding paint to the air stream (screw the needle controlling knob on just so a few threads engage). You can use the Harbor Freight stand for it as well as the disposable cups (with a bunch of teflon tape on the thread). Use strainers to pour paint into the cup.


Generators strong enough to power a 15A compressor

Some airports don't have adequate wiring to run a compressor. A row of hangars might be on a single 20A fuse. On a hot day, the fridges run more often and there might not be enough power available to run a compressor.

Generators are rated for their total power but the ones with higher output usually have a 240V outlet and that automatically means they provide the full rated power only on 240V but only half the power on each of the two 120V circuits. If your compressor has a 120V connector you can only make use of half the generator's power. A lot of compressors can be converted though to 240V. Open the motor's electric connector access panel and look for instructions to reconfigure it for 240V, then cut off the 120V plug and put a 240V one on (the neutral pin is then not used).

  • Note: The Harbor Freight 4,000W generator is not strong enough, even when running the compressor at 240V.
  • Harbor Freight 9,000W works perfectly
    (wheels and battery costs extra)
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