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  • For identifying hinges, see Van's hinge FAQ
  • Ed's video on how to make the door removable
    Note: you will need more hinge pin length than with the stock setup.
  • If the pins ends seem loose, consider securing them with a safety wire. Thread the safety wire all the way over to the other end of the door and grab them through the door lock hole. Twist the ends and form the wire so it sits flush when pulling the safety wire all the way back towards the hinge. Safety wire the hinge pins.
    Split hinge pin with safety wires.
  • Allen's solution is a 3D-printed part to secure the hinge pins, see

Page 34-4

  • Step 9 - consider making the door fit perfectly (page 34-6) before closing out the door. Once you rivet the inner panel to the door, it won't warp.
  • Your door flanges may not be completely straight. The longeron above the door should be straight, and so should the top edge of the door. If that's not true then you'll need to straighten something out.

Page 34-6

  • Step 4 - see Door_Locks_/_Hinges_/_Handles for weather strip options.
  • Step 5 - You may not be able to reach the upper two rivets from the backside. Consider using two CCR-264SS-3-2 pull rivets. The AN470AD4-5 and AN470AD4-7 rivets on top are hard to reach, consider using pull rivets (Note: LP4-3s are not long enough to replace a 4-7) or use full rivets and a 12 inch back rivet set.


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