Revision as of 10:37, 23 November 2023 by Martin (talk | contribs)
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Cutting the lens is easy - use your tin snips and then sand to get the edges straight. Using a Dremel melts it and it leaves a bulky burr.

I would suggest waiting until the wings are on the plane and the ailerons rigged before you drill these. I did them in the jig while vertical since I liked the access - put the flaps to the stop, lined up the ailerons and figured I'd be good. Outcome was that I was 1/4" low, and had to cut the back edge apart to be able to adjust the wing tip so it would align nicely with the aileron.

The solution was to cut the back edge, and drill out the W-1016 wingtip rib.

Then you can move everything back into alignment, fill with flox, to glue it back together. There is a layer of fiberglass on the inside that was folded to connect top and bottom. Replaced that with two layers of BID. Not too bad, but likely could have been avoided.

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