RV10 Community Wiki

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Revision as of 16:55, 3 February 2025 by Kirkbauer (talk | contribs) (Added notes about large lead-time items)
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You just finished a step and it was hard to figure out how to do it? Pass on your lessons learned and contribute to this non-profit RV-10 Wiki: Instructions
Note: There are many links on this Wiki to the closed RV-10 Facebook groups RV-10 and Van's RV-10 (neither is operated by Vans Aircraft). Consider joining these two groups to benefit from the information there. There are also links to vansairforce.net, consider joining the list and donating to the owner that keeps it running.

RV-10 Wiki Admin News

  • 12/8/24 Added more allowed file extensions for 3D-printed parts
  • 11/23/23 Updated the Wiki to version Mediawiki 1.40.1. Added pdf book creation function.
  • 4/26/23 Relaxed Anti-Spam rules for changing pages that contain external links
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  • 08/07/22 User rights changed due to crypto SPAM. Only users with confirmed email addresses can edit this Wiki.

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Van's Aircraft RV-10 Kit: Build Instruction Hints / "Gotchas" by Section

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Firewall Forward, Seats, Cabin Heat

Final Inspection and Flight Test

Optional Sections

Ordering Kits - Main Items They Contain And Items to Delete

Please check current pricing at Vans!


  • The standard order for the kits is: Empennage, Wings, Fuselage, Finishing Kit
  • The empennage kit is traditionally first -- it is fairly cheap and easy
  • But you could also start with the wing kit first, or even the fuselage kit (you won't be able to fully finish the fuselage kit without the tailcone, though)
  • The wing kit can be done at almost any time. You won't typically attach the wings until the build is complete, so it's OK to build them early in the process or wait until later.
  • If you do the fuselage kit before you have received your wing kit, you will need to buy temporary wing-mounting bolts and you will need to buy or fabricate the W-730 template.
  • There is also the Firewall-Forward Kit which is needed if you go with the standard IO-540 engine
  • There are some third-party items that may have very long lead times that you may want to consider ordering very early in your build process:
    • IO-540 Engine (18mo to 3yr lead times as of 2025)
    • Quickbuild Fuselage and/or Wing kits
    • Interior leather/carpet, especially if you want something custom
    • Andair Fuel Valve (up to 1yr lead time and needed in the Fuselage build)
    • Exterior Paint (some shops have several years lead-time)
    • Avionics/Wiring (only if you want to outsource the design and wiring)
New RV-10 kit pricing December 2023
Kit Old (wheels in finish kit)
March 2023
Old (wheels in fuse kit)
June 2023
New (wheels in fuse kit)
Dec 2023
Delta Delta
Emp 5,750 5,750 7,600 1,850 32.2%
Wing 12,760 12,760 17,550 4,790 37.5%
Fuse 22,835 26,830 35,450 8,620 32.1%
Finish 23,150 19,155 25,300 6,145 32.1%
Std kit 64,495 64,495 85,900 21,405 33.2%
QB kit 83,900 83,900 111,500 27,600 32.9%

Note: as of December 2023, deleting items from kits is generally no longer an option. Seems Firewall Forward kit is though an exception, ask Vans.

Shop and Tools

Quick Build Specific Instructions


Service Bulletins

Reference Link (Don't assume the list below is up-to-date)

ID (click for hints) ID (click for document) Date Summary
FAA-2024-1695 FAA-2024-1695 2024/10/31 Lycoming Connecting Rods manufactured 2009-2017
SB-00007 REV 2 SB-00007 REV 2 2024/10/28 Revised Landing Gear Mount WD-01021-L/R-1
SB-00103 SB-00103 2024/7/11 Dynon update v16.7 triggers door latch warning at 200 rpm in error.
SB-00080 SB-00080 2024/2/15 Rev 2 of this document adds an image and video link, directing owners to install fittings with two wrenches to avoid damage to the cooler.
SL-00091 SL-00091


Laser-Cut Parts Engineering Evaluation

2023/11/9 Ongoing issue with cracks at laser cut holes, see Van's statement here and discussions here: VAF thread and FB thread. FB Thread on SL-00091
Van's statement on new repair kits that speed up LCP compliance work

Van's statement on approaching deadlines for LCP replacement orders
Check RV-10 Service Letters for instructions.

SB-00090 SB-00090 2023/11/6 Dynon SV-AP-PANEL autopilot control panel
SB-00043 SB-00043 2023/9/6 Inspection of elevator skins for cracks.
SB-00080 SB-00080
Airflow SB-0001
2023/6/19 Specific serial numbers of 2006 X-Series oil coolers (K19-16202-25 through 40) may leak.
SB-00036 Rev 3 SB-00036 Rev 3 2023/2/28 Updated version (Rev 3) of SB-00036. Cracks on horizontal stabilizer spar near elevator hinge brackets.
SB-00036 Rev 1 SB-00036 Rev 1 2023/2/2 Updated version (Rev 1) of SB-00036. Cracks on horizontal stabilizer spar near elevator hinge brackets.
SB-00066 SB-00066 2022/10/21 Prohibited use of ethanol in Andair fuel pumps.
SB-00007 Not public 2021/2/19 Revised Landing Gear Mount WD-01021-L/R-1
SB-00002 SB-00002 2020/5/11 Rudder Hinge Bracket
SB-00006 SB-00006 2020/5/6 Kavlico Oil Pressure Sensors
SB 19-09-09 SB 19-09-09 2020/2/26 Nose Gear Leg
SB 18-05-21 SB 18-05-21 2018/5/21 Fuel Spider, make sure, the fuel flow sensor port is plugged.
SB 18-03-30 SB 18-03-30 2018/3/30 Elevator Stop
MT SB 31 MT SB 31 2016/8/29 MT Governors
SB 16-03-28 SB 16-03-28 2016/3/28 Aileron Hinge Bracket / Spar
SB 14-12-22 SB 14-12-22 2014/12/22 Nose Wheel Stop
SB 14-8-29 SB 14-8-29 2014/8/29 Engine Mount Elastomer Plate
SB 11-9-13 SB 11-9-13 2011/9/13 Use of Sloshing Compounds in Fuel Tanks
SB 10-1-4 SB 10-1-4 2010/1/4 Door Safety Latch
SB 08-6-1 SB 08-6-1 2008/6/1 Reinforcement of Bulkhead under Turtle Deck
SB 07-4-12 SB 07-4-12 2007/4/12 Safety Wire for Flap Rod End
SB 06-9-20 SB 06-9-20 2006/9/20 Elevator Trim Nut Weldment
SB 06-2-3 SB 06-2-3 2006/2/3 Rudder Top Hinge
SB 04-2-1 SB 04-2-1 2004/2/1 Protective clear Plastic Sheeting Remains in Tanks
SB 02-12-1 SB 02-12-1 2002/12/1 Fuel / Oil Lines may shed Rubber Curls
SB 96-10-1 SB 96-10-1 1996/10/1 Add Safety Wire to Airbox Bolts

Service Letters

Please read all service letters here.

Other Build Topics (non optional)

Optional Aftermarket Modifications

See also Reanaissance Sean's excel sheet with costs (from April 2022): RV-10 Kit cost.xlsx

Builder Logs

Builder Log Feature Table

RV10.org Apps

rv10.org PlaneTour App

Builder Assist

See also this list: at VAF


Phase 1

Hints for flying Airplanes

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