Fuel Valve
- Andair provides highly customizable fuel valves. You need one if your electronic injection needs a fuel return line. Currently shipping orders from 9 months back.
For installation hints, see als Armrest Installation Hints.
- The stock Van's valve [1] switches one path (from one of the tanks to the mechanical fuel pump). For engines with injectors that have a return line, you need to switch the additional return line back to the selected tank.
- Andair has some select models available through Aircraft Spruce but probably not the one you need for the RV-10. The company is in England and you need to order custom valves through email [2]
- If you are going with TS Flightlines [3] for ready-made fuel lines, they will tell you which exact variant you need to order from Andair. E.g. for injection systems that need a return line, you need to order "EFS20-20-D2-TMT Duplex Extension Valve" ("4 EF20 elbows on the wing ports and 2 MF20 fittings on the discharge/return ports on the valve front."). You will also need the "6" extension kit" (4 holes in the Fascia plate) which means the fascia plate can come off when you need access to the tunnel.
- Andair has long lead times, plan many months ahead.
- The Andair valve has different hole patterns than the stock valve. Common practice is to make a doubler plate that has the right holes for the valve plus additional holes to mount to the stock bracket that stays underneath. See also Aerosport_Hints.
- Andair has different ways to extend the shaft up to the top of the tunnel. You need to order what they call the "extension kit", not just the extension option of the valve itself.
- Andair says on their website that the 20-20 model is only good up to 200 hp. TS flightlines says otherwise. All RV-10 that they know of use the 20-20 model and it's been verified to let through 80 gph.
- The valve is commonly shipped with the ports not bolted down. You need Loctite 648 for the assembly (not available at Home Depot, Lowes or auto stores, order it online ahead of time).