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Page 11-2

Tool to screw in the rod end bearings. The outer ring is a cut-off fitting.

Page 11-6

Step 4: This step details how to mark a template to drill six holes around each end of the control rod. Section 39 ("control system"), page 39-4 step 3 has a better method of drilling the rivet holes. In particular, use a center punch to make sure the drill does not wander, and use a drill press if you have one for best accuracy. Rather than cutting up the plans as Vans suggest, take a photocopy and use that.

Page 11-9

  • Step 5: As a starting point, check these drawinging

    The centered starting values for the trim cable nut positions are not very good and require painful iterations.
    Goal is that both tabs go down 35 degrees, are in sync in neutral and the right tab goes up 25 degrees while the left one stays neutral in all up.
  • Good right cable starting values:
    3 threads exposed at the servo clevis,
    21.4 mm from where the green ends at the servo side to the first nut
    40.5 mm from where the green ends at the trim tab side to the bracket end
    1.5 mm exposed of the threads at the trim tab clevis.
  • Good left cable values:
    7 threads exposed at the servo clevis, 20.9 mm from where the green ends at the servo side to the first nut 42.6 mm from where the green ends at the trim tab side to the bracket end
    1 mm exposed of the threads at the trim tab clevis.
  • Check also this thread on same topic: VAF.
  • Be sure to check the position output of the Ray Allen servo early in the process. There was a bad batch of Ray Allen servos where the potentiometer has intermittent output when cold (showing after 5 minutes in a freezer (keep servo in a freezer bag to avoid condensation).